Clarington Council appoints the Chief Administrative Officer to oversee the corporation's administration and make sure Council's decisions are carried out.
The CAO is responsible for establishing administrative policies and procedures and overseeing the management of municipal staff. The CAO also ensures the organization is run efficiently and effectively and assists Council in developing a strategic plan, which sets out Council priorities for its four-year term.
The Chief Administrative Office is also responsible for Communications, Economic Development and Corporate Performance and Innovation.
Communications |
The Communications Division's main priority is to inform and engage the community. We strive to make sure residents know what's going on in the Municipality and stay informed about Council's decisions. Communications is responsible for maintaining the municipal website, Clarington Connected public engagement platform, and corporate X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. The Communications Division also encompasses the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism (IDEA) and Accessibility portfolios. These portfolios are dedicated to implementing strategies and initiatives that foster inclusive and accessible work environments and communities. |
Economic Development |
Invest Clarington plays a crucial role in supporting and fostering economic growth in the community. The team is responsible for implementing all corporate initiatives and projects related to economic development, including Clarington’s Economic Development Strategy, to attract new businesses, retain existing ones, and create job opportunities for residents. |
Corporate Performance and Innovation |
Corporate Performance and Innovation provides support on project management and continuous improvement initiatives across the corporation. |
In Clarington, we have four departments that report to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).
Mary-Anne Dempster
Chief Administrative
The Public Services Department oversees the Municipality’s public service delivery functions, including Community Services, Emergency and Fire Services, and Works.
The Finance and Technology Department is responsible for the Municipality's overall financial activities. It is responsible for all accounting services and provides financial advice to Council and other departments. The department develops Municipal budgets, collects taxes, and manages the Corporation's financial assets. It also oversees and processes insurance claims against the Municipality.
Financial Services Division |
The Financial Services Division is in charge of all financial reporting, including preparing the mandated financial information return. It also oversees the development charges reserve funds used to pay for a variety of services to accommodate new development within the Municipality. |
Procurement |
Financial Services oversees the Procurement Division, which is responsible for purchasing required supplies, vehicles, equipment, products, services, rentals, consulting, construction, renovations, and printing services. The Division follows strict rules and procedures to ensure that all business conducted with the Municipality is done fairly and transparently. In addition, the Procurement Division handles building construction and renovations, park development contracts, sale of obsolete and salvage materials, and road construction. |
Information Technology |
Clarington's Information Technology Division (IT) also falls within the Finance and Technology Department. The Division supports our day-to-day operations, ensuring we have up-to-date programs, systems and computers that help the Municipality service our community. |
Trevor Pinn
Deputy CAO, Finance and Technology / Treasurer
The Legislative Services Department consists of five divisions: Legal, Clerk's, Human Resources, Municipal Law Enforcement and Animal Services.
Legal Services |
Legal Services provides internal legal advice and support to Council, municipal staff, and the Chief Administrative Officer. The division offers professional advice on various legal matters, including planning and development, commercial issues, corporate matters, privacy, freedom of information, municipal elections, and municipal by-laws. The Division represents the Municipality in court, administrative boards, and tribunals. It also provides real estate services for municipal land acquisitions. |
Clerk's Division |
The Clerk's Division supports Council and its committees and conducts municipal elections. It is also responsible for maintaining official records and managing information, including print and mailroom services. This Division provides many public services, including issuing marriage licences, performing marriage ceremonies, registering deaths, providing commissioner of oath services, and issuing lottery licences. |
Human Resources |
Human Resources supports all municipal departments in areas such as recruitment and selection, retention, labour relations, learning and development, collective bargaining, payroll, compensation, benefits administration and health and safety. Human Resources strives to create a positive work environment and help our employees succeed. In Clarington, we know the key to our success lies with our staff. |
Municipal Law Enforcement |
Our Municipal Law Enforcement Division investigates and enforces municipal regulatory by-laws such as property standards, clean and clear, zoning, signs, noise, parking enforcement and licensing by-laws. |
Animal Services |
Animal Services operates the Clarington Animal Shelter. The Division also investigates animal complaints, enforces animal by-laws and assists with wildlife concerns in the community. Animal Services staff also provide the following services: fostering, impounding animals, removing animal remains, reuniting animals with families and routine neighbourhood patrol, sheltering, and caring for impounded/surrendered animals. |
Robert Maciver
Deputy CAO, Legislative Services
The Planning and Infrastructure Department is responsible for managing the growth of the Municipality. We perform a variety of services for the Corporation, residents and businesses.
Planning Policy |
The Planning and Infrastructure Department is responsible for developing planning policy, looking at long-term land use plans for the Municipality which guide the management of land and resources. The Clarington Official Plan is a document that guides sustainable development, helps manage growth, focuses on the development of a healthy community, and is implemented (in part) through the regulations detailed in the Municipality's Zoning By-laws. |
Development Approval |
The Planning and Infrastructure Department is also responsible for development approvals involving applications for land use development and/or change. Applications include Official Plan amendments, proposed plans of subdivision, proposed plans of condominium, rezonings, site plan applications, consent applications, minor variances, sign permits and registration of in-house apartments. Staff work closely with applicants, agencies and staff from other departments. Some applications require a public meeting be scheduled and notice provided to neighbours through the mail as well as in the form of a sign on the property. Most applications are reviewed by Council for approval. |
Building Services |
The Building Services Division issues building permits, conducts inspections, and services and reviews subdivisions. We are here to help answer your questions, so before you dig or do any kind of construction contact our Building Services division for help and information. |
Community Development Initiatives |
We provide support to a variety of community volunteers and groups. The Planning and Infrastructure Department also assists several local committees with committee development, funding proposals and administrative support. These committees include Clarington Heritage Committee, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono Community Improvement Liaison Groups, St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee and the Miller Compost Community Relations Committee. |
Real Estate |
The Planning and Infrastructure Department is responsible for acquiring real estate and property for public use. We are also responsible for the disposal of Municipal property that is no longer needed. The Clarington Official Plan identifies the general location of lands required for municipal purposes. Based on the visions set out in the Official Plan, Council approved a Land Acquisition Strategy. The Strategy covers the urban areas of Courtice, Bowmanville, and Newcastle Village. It identifies those properties required for waterfront parks, community facilities, active and passive recreation areas, transportation needs, other municipal needs and the protection of ecologically sensitive areas. |
Environmental Assessments and other studies |
The Planning and Infrastructure Department is involved in a variety of studies including Environmental Assessments (EAs). These studies are decision-making processes used to promote good environmental planning by assessing the potential effects of certain activities on the environment, economic and social viability and health of Clarington. |
Stewardship |
The Planning and Infrastructure Department works with many partners to ensure the social and economic goals of residents are balanced with the need to protect the environment. Planning Services is involved in ongoing incentive programs that establish best management practices for individuals and groups to protect public lands. Stewardship is a shared responsibility of government, corporations and residents. |
Darryl Lyons
Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure
The Public Services Department oversees the Municipality’s public service delivery functions:
Community Services |
The Community Services Division is responsible for all municipal indoor recreation facilities and programs that contribute to the physical, social, and economic wellbeing of the Municipality and enhance the overall quality of life for our residents. The Division has four sections: Administration, Client Services, Recreation Services and Facilities Services. Administration provides overall leadership and direction for the Community Services Division. Client Services is responsible for customer service, recreation facility and sports field permitting. Client Services also supports various Hall Boards and community groups through the Community Development portfolio. Recreation Services offers a wide variety of fun and engaging activities for all ages. Our activities include fitness classes, swimming lessons, recreation programs, including March Break and Summer Day Camps, public swimming, and skating activities. Facilities Services oversees the operation and maintenance of Clarington's indoor recreational facilities and the Municipal Administrative Centre. They are also responsible for managing any capital requirements related to repair or upgrades for these buildings and oversee long-term capital planning for all municipal buildings, including community halls and board-operated arenas. |
Emergency and Fire Services |
Along with emergency response, the division performs a variety of tasks to ensure public safety including fire prevention inspections , issuing permits and public education programs . Clarington Emergency and Fire Services is dedicated to protecting and educating the community about safety. |
Works |
The Works Division is responsible for providing a wide variety of services to the public. The division maintains all municipal roads, bridges and sidewalks. It is responsible for grass cutting on municipal properties, park maintenance and boulevard trees. Works is also responsible for the winter road maintenance, including salting and plowing municipal roads and a snow clearing program for seniors and persons with disabilities. The Works Division is responsible for major capital and road reconstruction projects and the development and design of parks and trails. It oversees Clarington's school crossing guard program, transportation network, review traffic flow on municipal roads, streets and sidewalks, and place traffic control signals where needed to ensure pedestrian and commuter safety. Works staff also maintain all parks, splash pads, and sports fields. |
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