To oversee and manage the operations of the Solina Community Hall, located at 1964 Concession Road 6, Hampton.
Terms of Reference – (By-law 2024-058)
The Board is made up of seven persons and one member of Council.
Board members will serve for the term of Council and continue until their successors have been appointed.
The Board will meet at least four times per year.
Members serve voluntarily and do not receive any form of compensation.
There are no current vacancies. To apply for future vacancies, fill out the Appointments to Boards and Committees Application Form.
The Board was initially established under the Community Recreation Centres Act, 1974, which has since been revoked. In 2008, following Report CLD-010-08, Council passed By-law 2008-038, establishing a Municipal Service Board to operate the Solina Community Hall.
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