Clarington’s 55+ Active Adults offer programs, workshops and special events to help older adults stay connected and keep active.
We are excited to have dedicated staff to provide a variety of programs and services for all adults aged 55+. There is no membership fee. Just pay for the activities that interest you.
Visit to find an activity that interests you. Below is a sample of some of the classes and workshops we offer.
Our new cooking classes, educational series, and Nutrition and Wellness Day aim to equip seniors with knowledge, resources, and tools to manage their nutrition and wellness.
The Seniors Community Grant Program is funded by the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility.
Programs |
Clarington 55+ Active Adults are offers a variety of programming including:
Workshops |
Our fun and informative workshops are a perfect way to learn something new. Past workshops include:
Fitness Classes |
Drop-In Activities |
Tournaments and Special Events |
Throughout the year, we host special events and tournaments. Some of our most popular past events include:
Volunteers make up the very fabric of our community. We are looking for volunteers who want to be a part of our 55+ Active Adult programming. We are always looking for volunteers to help with special events, kitchen prep and drop-in programs.
The Clarington 55+ Active Adults Community Committee supports 55+ Active Adult staff and provides an opportunity for leadership and input from older adults within the community. In addition, the committee will engage, encourage, strengthen, and provide recreation opportunities while seeking to improve the quality of life for Clarington residents ages 55+, including social and leisure opportunities, drop-in programs and special events. The committee will include Clarington residents and Community Services staff to provide advice, assist with events, and foster awareness of recreation opportunities in our community.
We are not currently looking for volunteers to serve on the Committee. If you are interested in a future opportunity, please apply by completing the 55+ Active Adults Community Committee Application form.
Mandate |
The Clarington 55+ Active Adults Community Committee will provide advice, comments and suggestions on recreation opportunities, promotion of activities and engaging older adults in Clarington. |
Scope of activities |
Encourage older adults to participate in Municipality of Clarington 55+ Active Adult activities and contribute to the community's betterment.
Committee composition |
The committee will be made up of staff representatives and up to 10 community members, of which a maximum of eight will be a diverse group of residents in Clarington who are over the age of 55. The Clarington 55+ Active Adults Community Committee is comprised of:
Other Municipality of Clarington staff and delegates may be invited to provide input at times. From time to time, guest speakers and presenters may attend meetings. Any guest speakers or presenters must have permission to participate by Community Services staff at least two weeks before the meeting. |
Staff support |
The Older Adult Coordinator or Older Adult Programmer will be responsible for chairing all Clarington 55+ Active Adults Community Committee meetings. In addition, staff will provide all administrative support, such as scheduling meetings, preparing agendas, recording minutes, preparing background information and any necessary reports. |
Length of term |
The length of term for committee members is two years. Committee members can be appointed to serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. The Older Adult Coordinator or Older Adult Programmer will serve on the committee continuously. |
Frequency of meetings |
The committee will meet bi-monthly from September to July and will be committed to attending a minimum of three meetings per term. Meetings will be chaired by Community Services staff. A quorum will consist of at least four of the members of the committee, including staff. |
Budget |
The Community Services Department oversees the 55+ Older Adults budget. |
Confidentiality and conflict of interest |
The Committee members will serve without remuneration and will not receive, directly or indirectly, any profits or benefits from their position as members of the Clarington Active Adults Community Committee. Committee members will ensure that all confidential information will be used in the manner for which it was intended. Only authorized staff may speak on behalf of the committee. |
For more information on volunteer opportunities, please contact Kersti Pascoe at 905-623-3379 ext. 2525.
Share your comments, concerns or suggestions about our programs, facilities or staff. We'd love to hear from you.
Enjoy a delicious homemade lunch and conversation with peers at Courtice Community Complex from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Join us from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Courtice Community Complex. Dinner and prizes included.
Enjoy a delicious homemade lunch and conversation with peers at Orono Town Hall from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Learn how you can manage your medications, how to properly store them and what to do when you travel.
Join is for a social and fun-filled afternoon of bingo with friends. Light refreshments included.
Enjoy a delicious homemade lunch and conversation with peers at Courtice Community Complex from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Contact Us