There are people in Clarington who are living without stable, permanent, appropriate housing. The Regional Municipality of Durham is responsible for all social services in all Durham municipalities, including Clarington. This includes safe, temporary shelter and supports for residents with no safe accommodation options.
Clarington’s Winter Warming Centre is located at 181 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville.
If you need assistance getting to a warming program or shelter, Housing outreach agencies can provide transportation help, or you can contact Durham Region’s Street Outreach Team at or by calling 905-666-6239 ext. 5510 or 1-888-721-0622 ext. 5510 or 311 ext. 5510.
Cooling Centres provide a safe place for people to cool down when it is hot outside. The Region of Durham provides a list of Cooling Centres in Clarington in addition to others across Durham.
If you need support or shelter, please contact Durham Region at or call 905-666-6239 ext. 5510. The Outreach Team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Find information about food support programs, including community meals and food banks on 211 Durham or call or text 2-1-1.
Bowmanville Library - 163 Church Street, Bowmanville |
Available services:
Bowmanville Library Hours:
Newcomer Settlement ServicesBook an appointment with a CDCD settlement worker at the Bowmanville Library Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Drop in available from 3 to 5 p.m.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)Meet with an ODSP caseworker at the Bowmanville Library Mondays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Get support Ontario Disability Support Program offers:
Housing Support ServicesThe John Howard Society of Durham Region (JHSD) caseworkers will provide housing outreach at the Bowmanville Library on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon. No appointment is necessary, and services include:
This partnership will strengthen access to important supports for community members who are currently unsheltered, precariously housed, or experiencing homelessness. Harm ReductionWednesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Drop in; no appointment required The John Howard Society of Durham Region (JHSD) caseworkers will provide harm reduction outreach at CLMA locations. JHSD provides information on how to safely use substances, overdose prevention, as well as mental health information and other supports within the Region. The onsite harm reduction outreach worker is available to provide Naloxone administration and training, sharps disposal containers, drug testing kits, practical support items, and brief counselling and referrals. |
Newcastle Library - 150 King Avenue East, Newcastle |
Available Services:
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)Meet with an ODSP caseworker at the Newcastle Library alternate Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Get support Ontario Disability Support Program offers:
Community Employment ServicesTuesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Register by calling Durham College Community Employment Services at 905-697-4472. Get professional assistance with resumes and cover letters, find job search support and employment counselling, and gain valuable interview skills practice and advice. Presented with Durham College Community Employment Services. Harm ReductionThursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Drop in; no appointment required The John Howard Society of Durham Region (JHSD) caseworkers will provide harm reduction outreach at CLMA locations. JHSD provides information on how to safely use substances, overdose prevention, as well as mental health information and other supports within the Region. The onsite harm reduction outreach worker is available to provide Naloxone administration and training, sharps disposal containers, drug testing kits, practical support items, and brief counselling and referrals. Newcastle Library Hours:
Courtice Library - 2950 Courtice Road, Courtice |
Available Services:
Harm ReductionTuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Drop in; no appointment required The John Howard Society of Durham Region (JHSD) caseworkers will provide harm reduction outreach at CLMA locations. JHSD provides information on how to safely use substances, overdose prevention, as well as mental health information and other supports within the Region. The onsite harm reduction outreach worker is available to provide Naloxone administration and training, sharps disposal containers, drug testing kits, practical support items, and brief counselling and referrals. Courtice Library Hours:
Orono Library - 127 Church Street, Orono |
Available Services:
Orono Library Hours:
St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank, St. Joseph's Catholic Church - 127 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville |
Available services:
The Rock Warming Site Breakfast
Salvation Army Food Pantry and Coffee Hub - 75 Liberty Street, South, Bowmanville |
Available services:
Community LunchFree hot lunch and warm community space on the third Friday of the month at noon. |
Community Dinner - St Paul's United Church, 178 Church Street, Bowmanville |
Available services:
St. Paul's United Church, 178 Church Street, Bowmanville |
Available services:BLUE (Building Lives Up Everywhere)
Clothing CupboardSeasonal Clothes/Footwear for men, women and children, no cost. Hours: Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. or call 905-623-7361 for other availability. Bread of Life Social Justice Café
Food Pantry
Clarington Warming Site
John Howard Society, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville |
Resource Rooms are open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 905-926-8073 for more information |
St John's Anglican Church, 11 Temperance Street, Bowmanville |
Delicious homemade soups and accompaniments from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. |
If you see a vulnerable resident who needs support, learn more from the Region of Durham about how you can help.
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