How can I obtain a fire report? |
Log in to the Service Clarington portal to make your request. |
I am purchasing a property and require a file search on the property. How can I obtain this? |
You can request a file search for outstanding Ontario Fire Code violations against a property through our Service Clarington portal. Clarington Emergency and Fire Services must receive written authorization from the property owner or a copy of the Offer to Purchase stating that a file search must be conducted. If a fire inspection is requested, written authorization from the property owner must be provided. Payment must be received in full before we can process your request. A file search costs $150 plus HST for buildings up to four units. An additional fee of $25 per unit plus HST applies for requests with buildings over the first four units. A fire incident report is a routine disclosure request summarizing information about a specific incident; a file search is not a fire incident report. For requests that require information beyond what is provided in the file search or fire incident report summary, please complete the Freedom of Information request. |
How can I have a fire safety inspection done on my property? |
Requests for a general fire inspection of a property can be submitted directly to the Fire Prevention Office. You must provide written authorization from the property owner, along with the appropriate payment. Please note, we will not charge a fee for a fire safety inspection of a single-family home. |
I own property in the Municipality of Clarington and would like to know what the Ontario Fire Code Requirements are for my property and where I can find them? |
It is the property owner's responsibility to ensure that all requirements of the Ontario Fire Code are followed. |
My smoke alarm is chirping. What does that mean? |
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms will chirp to indicate an abnormal condition: low battery, alarm malfunction, hush feature activated, end of life indicator, or wireless interference. Your owner's manual will explain the beep patterns. If you do not have the owner's manual, they are available online at the manufacturer’s website. |
Does the Fire Services refill fire extinguishers? |
The fire service no longer fills or services fire extinguishers. Check online for fire extinguisher service providers in your area. |
How do I schedule a fire drill? |
To schedule a fire drill, contact a member of the Fire Prevention team at 905-623-5126. |
What should I do if a fire department vehicle approaches behind my moving vehicle with emergency lights on? |
Immediately pull your vehicle over as close as possible to the right-hand curb or edge of the road without blocking an intersection. If you're on a one-way street with more than two lanes, pull over to the nearest curb or edge, clear of an intersection. |
Is it against the law to follow a fire department vehicle? |
It is illegal to follow within 150 metres of a fire vehicle responding to an alarm. |
How close can I park to a fire hydrant? |
Vehicles must not park within three metres of a fire hydrant. |
Why does a fire truck come when you call for an ambulance? |
Clarington firefighters have Emergency Medical Responder training and follow medical directives, which allows them to respond to various medical calls. |
Why do firefighters bring a fire truck just for a building inspection? |
On-duty crews must always be ready to respond to an emergency call. Firefighters also visit buildings to familiarize themselves with building layout and access points in case they need to respond to an emergency. |
Why do firefighters break out windows and cut holes in a roof during a fire? |
This is called ventilation. It helps remove smoke, superheated, poisonous and explosive gases for firefighter safety and visibility. It also allows firefighters to get inside the building to find and extinguish the fire, reducing property damage. It can also reduce the chance of a possible dangerous explosion. |
Why do you block traffic lanes at auto accidents, sometimes more lanes than necessary? |
We block traffic lanes for the safety of our crews and patients. Blocking extra lanes provides a safe working area for firefighters while accessing equipment, providing patient care, or conducting an extrication. Many firefighters are killed or injured each year while working at incidents on streets and highways. |
Why do fire trucks block lanes of a roadway at an emergency? |
Fire trucks are strategically positioned to make sure vehicles slow down and change lanes accordingly when they approach an emergency scene. It also establishes a safe work zone for emergency responders. Fire trucks often park on the road during fire emergencies because there is nowhere else for them to go. |
Why can't I drive over a fire hose? |
Driving over fire hoses can cause damage to the hose and interrupt the flow of water being used for firefighting. It could cause injuries or even death. Any hose that is driven over without protection must be taken out of service and tested. |
Why do I need to keep weeds and bushes away from fire hydrants on my property? |
Weeds and bushes should be kept three feet from fire hydrants for visibility and accessibility. |
Can you get my cat out of a tree? |
Fire Services do not typically assist in rescuing animals. You can contact Animal Services at 905-623-3379. |
What if I smell gas in my home? |
Get out of the house. Call 9-1-1 from a cell phone or a neighbour’s house. Using a phone inside your home could cause the gas to ignite. |
What other responsibilities do firefighters have outside of fighting fires? |
Emergency calls represent a small percentage of the work firefighters perform. The number of fires has steadily decreased over the years due to improvements in construction, a greater public awareness of the risk factors leading to fires, and a significant reduction in smoking nationwide. Clarington Emergency and Fire Services respond to a variety of emergencies. Nearly 70 per cent of the calls we respond to are medical responses. Other calls for emergency response involve:
Firefighters also spend a lot of time maintaining equipment, training, conducting in-service inspections, and doing associated administrative work. |
Why do so many fire trucks and firefighters respond to a fire? |
Depending on the size of a fire, it can take many firefighters to complete various roles at the scene. These tasks can put firefighters and the public at risk. We set up a command and control approach when managing a fire scene to ensure public safety and the occupational health and safety of firefighters responding to the fire. |
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