You can make a request to access records or have information corrected by logging in to the Service Clarington portal to file a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
Access to records under the custody and control of the Municipality is governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M. 56 (the "Act").
In addition to providing individuals with a right to access municipal records, the Act also provides for the protection of personal information collected, used and maintained by the Municipality.
The first step when seeking access to municipal records is to approach the Department holding the particular records desired. Contacting the respective Department first will assist in expediting our response to your request. Where a record is not routinely disclosed, a formal request will be required.
The following are a list of records for which access is routinely disclosed and may be requested through the respective Department.
Records | How to Apply | Department | Fee |
Agreement Compliance Subdivision and Site Plan (per agreement) includes whether an agreement is in compliance, and if any funds are held as securities. |
Fill out the Zoning Clearance Letter Application Form |
Planning and Infrastructure Services | Please refer to Schedule “E” of the Fees By-law. |
Emergency Response Report Documents the attendance of Clarington’s Emergency and Fire Services. |
Make your request using Service Clarington or Email the request to |
Emergency and Fire Services |
Please refer to Schedule “D” of the Fees By-law. |
Environmental Review Letter – responds to questions about environmental concerns on a specific property. |
Fill out the Request for Environmental Review Form. |
Multiple Departments | Please refer to Schedule “D” of the Fees By-law. |
File Search Clarington Emergency and Fire Services (CEFS) |
Make your request using Service Clarington. |
Emergency and Fire Services | Please refer to Schedule “D” of the Fees By-law. |
Land Use Information and Compliance Includes historical, present, and future potential land uses and zoning of a specific property and all other property information. |
Fill out the Zoning Clearance Letter Application Form |
Planning and Infrastructure Services | Please refer to Schedule “E” of the Fees By-law. |
Municipal Law Enforcement Investigation Details Includes the complaint, actions taken, and, upon request, any photos taken, or orders issued during the investigation. Records will not be released if an investigation or a prosecution is ongoing. |
Fill out the Request for Municipal Law Enforcement Records Form |
Legislative Services | Please refer to Schedule “B” of the Fees By-law. |
Property Tax Certificates Includes an itemized statement of all amounts owing. |
Fill out the Tax Certificate Request Form – Clarington |
Finance and Technology Services | Please refer to Schedule “C” of the Fees By-law. |
Statement of Account, Statement of Paid Taxes, Reprint of letters / Tax Bills |
Fill out the Tax Statement Request Form - Clarington |
Finance and Technology Services | Please refer to Schedule “C” of the Fees By-law. |
The following are a list of records for which free access is available online.
Every person has a right of access to personal information about them held under the Municipality's custody or control. A request may be made to access the records and have the information corrected if a person believes that the information contains errors or omissions. A formal request is required to access personal information or request correction to personal information.
Upon receipt of the completed application, we have 30 days to respond to your request. During this time, we will provide access to the requested records, or provide notice to the applicant indicating why the requested records cannot be provided, in accordance with the Act. If we cannot complete the request within the 30-day timeframe, as it may negatively affect the regular operations of the Municipality, or where other individuals or companies may be affected by the possible release of information, the applicant will be advised of the extension and the anticipated date that a decision will be made.
No, not necessarily. If your request is denied in whole or in part, we will provide you with an explanation of why it was denied.
The standard application fee is $5; however, there may be more fees beyond the application, depending on the nature of the request. We will notify you if an additional fee is required to process your request. View the summary of fees for requests.
In addition to providing individuals with access to municipal records, the Act also requires the Municipality of Clarington to protect the personal privacy of individuals. Personal information is collected and used by the Municipality for very specific purposes, which are identified at the time of collection. Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose than identified at the time of collection, nor disclosed in any circumstance, except as permitted by the Act. If you feel your personal information has been misused or disclosed in a manner that is not consistent with the Act, please contact the Municipality's Freedom of Information Coordinator or the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
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