Clarington’s advisory committee meetings are open to the public and may be held in person, online or in a combination of both formats. Please view the committee agenda or reach out to the committee contact for more information.
The Committee helps Municipal staff identify any agricultural-related issues and make recommendations to Council. The Committee provides Council and staff with an agricultural perspective on many issues that impact the industry. It also provides advice on municipal policy and by-laws as they relate to agriculture.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee is comprised of 11 voting members appointed by Council, including
Committee requirements:
Members are selected based on various farming interests and experiences (dairy, beef, apple, greenhouse, cash crops, hog, poultry, etc.) and shall possess knowledge of agricultural issues within Clarington, technical training in an agriculture-based field, or be currently involved in farming activities.
The Committee shall stagger the terms of members by appointing half of the membership every two years, for a four-year term, or until their successor is appointed.
The Committee meets a minimum of four times per year and establishes a meeting schedule that includes the time and place for meetings.
Not applicable
There are no current vacancies. To apply for future vacancies, fill out the Appointments to Boards and Committees Application Form..
Email Sylvia Jennings, Planner I, or 905-623-3379 ext. 2335.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee was formed in spring 2001 after Council approved Reports ADMIN-03-01 and CD-21-01.
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