The Legislative Services Department processes claims for damages (killed or injured) to livestock caused by wildlife as outlined in the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
Damage claims are referred to the Clerk's Division or one of the Municipality's Livestock Valuers within 48 hours of discovering the incident. All claims will be inspected by the Municipality's Livestock Valuer who will provide a report. The Municipality is responsible for claims where wildlife has killed or injured the livestock or poultry. Council appoints two (2) Livestock Valuers to investigate livestock claims.
The Valuer is responsible to investigate claims and determine the type of predator that is responsible.
The Valuer completes a detailed written report of their findings and submits a copy to the Municipal Clerk and the owner. Within the report is the amount of compensation in accordance with the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
Not applicable
Term runs for the same duration as Council.
Council appoints two community members.
Not applicable
$58.51 per visit (2025 rate) + mileage
There are no current vacancies. To apply for future vacancies, fill out the Appointments to Boards and Committees Application Form.
Animal Shelter Supervisor
905-623-3379 ext. 2127
If you are a resident who requires the services of the Livestock Valuer, the contact information is as follows:
Not applicable
More information on the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program is available online.
If you have general questions about the program, please contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs at 1-877-424-1300.
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