Clarington’s advisory committee meetings are open to the public and may be held in person, online or in a combination of both formats. Please view the committee agenda or reach out to the committee contact for more information.
Clarington’s Diversity Advisory Committee is an advisory body that provides advice, comments and recommendations to Council and municipal staff on issues affecting diversity in our community. The Committee strives toward a safe, welcoming and inclusive Clarington, where differences are celebrated, and the voices of all peoples are heard. The Diversity Advisory Committee engages Clarington residents to educate and raise awareness by celebrating our community’s differences and strengths through outreach activities.
Diversity Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)
The Diversity Advisory Committee is comprised of 11 voting members appointed by Council, including
Members appointed to this Committee shall be residents of Clarington and represent a broad range of under-served and equity-seeking groups such as, but not limited to Indigenous Peoples; racialized people; Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer / Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (2SLGBTQQIA), and additional ways in which people choose to identify; people of diverse ethnic or cultural origin; newcomers, or new Canadians.
Committee requirements:
The Anti-Black Racism Task Force is a working group of the Diversity Advisory Committee. Its focus is developing strategies to address anti-Black racism and other forms of racism and discrimination through education and awareness by implementing activities and initiatives, recommending policies and training program guidance.
The Task Force serves as a liaison between the community and Clarington’s Diversity Advisory Committee on anti-Black racism and other forms of racism and discrimination. The Task Force identifies and works to remedy anti-Black racism and other forms of racism within programs, services, and policies; they foster a greater understanding of issues of anti-Black racism and other forms of racism in the community; and support the development of an anti-racism strategy.
The Task Force is comprised of up to eight voting members appointed by the Diversity Advisory Committee. Seventy-five per cent of the members must be part of the Black community, and priority will be given to Black applicants.
The Committee shall stagger the members' terms by appointing half of the membership (5 members) every two years, for a four-year term, or until their successor is appointed.
The Committee meets a minimum of four times per year and establishes a meeting schedule that includes the time and place for meetings.
These are volunteer positions.
There are no current vacancies on the Diversity Advisory Committee or Anti-Black Racism Task Force. To apply for future vacancies, fill out the Citizen Appointments to Boards and Committees Application Form.
Pinder Da Silva, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism (IDEA) Officer
905-623-3379 ext. 2563
The Diversity Committee was established in February 2018, when Report CSD-001-18 was adopted.
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