Single and semi-detached | Low-density multiples | One-bedroom apartments and smaller | Two-bedroom apartments and larger |
$30,486 | $24,986 | $9,963 | $16,230 |
Refer to Municipal, Regional, Public and Separate School Boards By-laws for proper interpretations.
Non-Industrial | Industrial |
*2 $152.43/m2 | *1 $53.22/m2 |
*1 For existing and new industrial buildings, view section 30 and 31 of By-law 2021-110.
*2 Small business expansion projects within town/village centre, view section 34 of By-law 2021-010.
Service | $ Per Net Hectare |
Stormwater Management Services - Quality Control | $55,175 |
Stormwater Management Services - Quantity Control | $41,577 |
Total - Lands Benefitting from Quality and Quantity Control | $96,752 |
Refer to By-law 2021-011 to determine if the property is a benefitting property and the amount of development charge owing.
Refer to Municipal, Regional, Public and Separate School Boards By-laws for proper interpretations.
Development charges are fees collected from developers and builders at the time a building permit is issued. The fees pay for various growth-related capital projects such as infrastructure. They also cover various Municipal services, including library, fire facilities, indoor recreation, park development and facilities, roads, operations, parking and general government. The Director of Financial Services/Treasurer must submit an annual report to Council for the previous year's status of the Development Charges Reserve Funds. This report identifies the opening and closing balances, receipt totals and expenditures of the Development Charges Reserve Funds once the year-end financial statements have been audited. To view a copy of this report, please contact the Clerk's Division.
Clarington Council passed By-law No. 2021-010, imposing development charges on residential and commercial development. Council also passed By-law No. 2021-011 to impose development charges against land to pay for rising capital costs required to provide increased services to support new development in the area.
It is important to recognize that the Municipality of Clarington is not the only public authority that can impose development charges. The above information applies only to Clarington's By-law. The Regional Municipality of Durham and school boards also have their own development charges by-laws. For more information on those charges and rates, please contact Region of Durham or school boards directly.
A development charge applies where a proposed residential or commercial building project requires:
There are several exemptions legislated under the Development Charges Act. Clarington's by-law provides exemptions or credits for housing intensification, agricultural uses, temporary buildings, certain institutional uses and industrial expansions, all subject to certain rules as stipulated in the by-law.
Generally, development charges are due when we issue a building permit. In exceptional cases where a land severance application was finalized before 1992, municipal development charges may have been paid. A record of payment is required. We suggest you contact the Region of Durham to confirm whether the development charges were also paid. The Development Charges By-law is reviewed every five years.
People do not always agree on how their communities should grow. Disputes arise over community planning issues such as where to locate industrial development, or what types of municipal services to provide.
When people cannot resolve their differences on community planning issues, the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) provides a public forum for discussion.
The OLT is an independent adjudicative tribunal that hears appeals and applications and resolves land use disputes. Members of the OLT are appointed by the Provincial government.
Some of the issues that the OLT deals with include:
For more information, please visit the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) website.
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