The Municipality of Clarington is starting a review of its Official Plan – the road map that guides how Clarington will grow to 2051. Learn more about the project, share your feedback, and find out how you can stay informed at
The Municipality's Official Plan updates the Clarington Official Plan to make sure it is relevant and complies with provincial and regional planning documents and overarching community goals for growth and development.
The Official Plan includes new policies that provide for a more urban community, creates walkable neighbourhoods, builds great public spaces, and creates complete streets designed for people and not just cars. It also plans for the future development of Clarington to become a fully rounded community with jobs and services for residents and protects key environmental and agricultural lands.
The Planning Act of Ontario requires that the Municipality review its Official Plan every five years to ensure that it conforms to, and does not conflict with, Provincial plans and policies.
The Municipality released the Draft Official Plan Amendment 107 in May of 2016 for public review and comment. Over 100 submissions were received from the public. On November 1, 2016, Clarington Council adopted the recommended Official Plan Amendment 107 with some minor modifications.
On June 19, 2017, the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development for the Regional Municipality of Durham, approved Amendment 107, which is available upon request by emailing
The consolidations of the Official Plan, Secondary Plans and the amendments thereto, are prepared for reference purposes only. While the Municipality makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, in particular those policies appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), the reader is advised that in situations where legal accuracy is important, the Adopting By-law itself and any amending by-laws or OMB decisions must be consulted.
There are outstanding appeals of this Official Plan for some areas in the Municipality of Clarington. Where there is an outstanding appeal in an area, the policies and/or schedules of the Clarington Official Plan 2017 may not be in effect in respect of those lands. Information on the location of outstanding appeals and/or the applicability of the policies and schedules to those areas can be obtained through the Municipality of Clarington, Planning Services Department.
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The following documents are available in the Planning and Infrastructure Services Department upon request.
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