Pre-consultation meetings allow potential applicants or their authorized representatives to present and discuss a development proposal with relevant staff and external agencies. The meeting provides staff with the opportunity to clarify the application process.
The pre-consultation meeting allows staff and agencies to provide preliminary comments on the overall development proposal, identify any key issues, comment on the approvals that will be required, and confirm the supporting information, materials and studies that must be submitted with the planning application to be considered a complete application under the Planning Act.
The pre-consultation process is encouraged before the Municipality receives an application for:
A meeting may be required for Part Lot Control, Land Division, and Committee of Adjustment applications at the discretion of the Planning and Infrastructure Services Department.
After each pre-consultation meeting, staff will provide the applicant and/or owner with a Record of Pre-Consultation. A Record of Pre-consultation, confirmed and signed by staff and the applicant, will form part of a complete application.
The pre-consultation process helps improve application approval timelines and reduce the number of modifications needed.
To arrange a pre-consultation meeting, complete the Pre-consultation Request Form and pay the required pre-consultation fee. Once your application has been reviewed, staff will contact you to schedule a meeting at the next available date. The cost of a pre-consultation meeting is $1,055.
Conceptual site plan required information |
A conceptual site plan will be required in PDF format or two hard copies, with all measurements indicated in metric. The plan should be to scale and illustrate the following:
Apply for a Pre-consultation Meeting
Disclaimer: The Municipality of Clarington notes that pre-consultation is voluntary and at the discretion of the applicant. However, the process is highly encouraged.
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