1558 Green Road, Bowmanville
Brutto Planning Consultant Ltd. has submitted a rezoning application on behalf of Rimon Phillips to allow the development of three semi-detached residential buildings consisting of six units, with two units in each building. The units will have vehicle access from a shared driveway off Green Road to limit the number of individual entrances onto Green Road. The applicant is proposing each semi-detached parcel to be around 257 square metres and have a lot frontage of approximately 6.3 metres. A Public Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 15, 2021.
To provide comments on this application, please submit them to Nicole Zambri. Written comments can be mailed or dropped off at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6. A drop box is located at the Church Street entrance.
Brutto Planning Consultant Ltd.
South of Highway 2 and north of Clarington Boulevard.
Read Appendix A of Clarington's Official Plan to learn more about the information contained within each of these reports and documents.
Please contact our Development Application Coordinator at DevelopmentApplicationsCoordinators@clarington.net.
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