Clarington is a place of possibilities. Known for our thriving energy sector, historic downtowns, and as a great place to raise a family, people want to be in Clarington! By the year 2051, Clarington’s total population is forecast to grow from 105,000 to 221,000—that’s an increase of 110 per cent. The future is bright; and to responsibly navigate this growth, we have a roadmap to guide us.
Clarington’s Strategic Plan is the guiding document that outlines the Municipality of Clarington’s priorities for the next four years. It is the product of extensive community engagement; and designed to be reflective of Council and the community’s collective aspirations.
With a clear vision ahead, this strategy will drive our decision-making, inform our work plans and align our actions so we can take advantage of the possibilities before us. We will preserve our natural heritage and the character of our hamlets and villages while preparing for the larger, more diverse community we are becoming. With a foundation of good governance, we will enhance the quality of life for residents today and for future generations who will call Clarington home.
Read Clarington's Strategic Plan 2024-27 (PDF)
Clarington's Strategic Plan 2024-27
Vision: A connected, dynamic and welcoming community, focused on the future while respecting our past.
Mission: To enhance the quality of life in our community
Objective: To be a leader in the delivery of efficient, effective and meaningful municipal services.
Priorities and expected results
Be an employer of choice
- Attract, retain and develop talented staff
- Promote a culture of corporate excellence
- Empower staff to identify opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness
- Take steps to ensure our staff team is diverse and inclusive, representative of the community it serves
Finances and operations are efficiently and responsibly managed
- Implement a multi-year budget to promote effective and long-term fiscal management
- Use technology and process improvement to modernize and optimize services
- Design and implement a service delivery continuity plan
- Advocate for funding from upper levels of government and other partners
- Maintain, protect and invest in Municipal infrastructure and assets
Exceptional program and service delivery
- Develop and implement customer service standards
- Identify, establish and report on service levels of interest to the community
- Enhance the delivery of Emergency and Fire Services across the community
Residents are engaged and informed
- Increase opportunities for civic engagement and public participation
- Proactively communicate with residents about the planning process and how we are responsibly addressing growth

Objective: To cultivate a strong, thriving and connected community where everyone is welcome.
Priorities and expected results
A connected community
- Enhance internet and cellular connectivity across the community
- Be an active partner in the development of GO Train stations and improved Regional transit connectivity
- Strengthen existing and build new partnerships with upper levels of government, academia, businesses, community groups and other sectors
- Proactively address traffic management, walkability, livability and connectivity
Residents are safe and healthy
- Support efforts to improve access to medical practitioners and health care services
- Support and invest in the creation of housing to meet the needs of the community
- Develop a traffic calming plan to address neighbourhood speeding and parking concerns
- Partner with local school boards to address traffic-related safety issues in School Zones
- Support the proactive management of community safety and well-being
A diverse, equitable and inclusive community
- Recognize and celebrate the growing diversity of the community
- Reduce barriers to municipal programs, services and infrastructure
- Develop and implement the Indigenous Engagement and Relationship Building Strategy
- Continue to commit to responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action
Arts, culture and recreation are prioritized
- Promote and support local arts, culture, and heritage sectors
- Begin construction on a new multi-use recreation facility
- Design and construct outdoor ice-skating amenities
- Explore a potential location for a performing arts venue
Objective: To promote responsible and balanced growth by developing the economy while protecting the environment.
Priorities and expected results
A strong local economy
- Expand Clarington’s commercial and industrial tax base
- Continue to support business and industry to thrive
- Establish a small business incubator
Growth is proactively addressed
- Prepare a new Official Plan that will guide community growth to 2051
- Advance construction of a new Public Works facility, including a Fire Headquarters and Service Excellence Training Centre
- Develop and begin implementation of the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan
Unique community spaces are prioritized
- Determine the future of the historic Camp 30 cafeteria building
- Consider the creation of a community park on the former Bowmanville Zoo lands
- Enhance Clarington’s waterfront
Healthy and resilient environment
- Design and implement Priority Green standards for all new development
- Be a leader in anticipating and addressing the impacts of climate change
- Protect and enhance Clarington’s natural heritage
Thank you for your feedback!
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our in-person and online public engagement sessions! Your feedback helped ensure Clarington's Strategic Plan reflects the priorities of our community.
Past Strategic Plans