Clarington’s advisory committee meetings are open to the public and may be held in person, online or in a combination of both formats. Please view the committee agenda or reach out to the committee contact for more information.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee advises and helps the Municipality develop strategies toward a barrier-free Clarington for people with disabilities. The goal is to review Municipal policies, programs and services to make sure they follow provincial accessibility standards. The Committee works to identify, prevent and remove any barriers faced by people with disabilities.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee is comprised of nine voting members appointed by Council, including
Committee requirements:
Personal support workers are welcome to attend meetings to provide support to a person with a disability. However, personal support workers may not participate in discussions independently and do not have voting rights.
Members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee serve the same four-year term as Council or until their successor is appointed.
The Committee meets once per quarter or at the call of the Chair. Exceptions to this may include:
Meeting locations will be determined by the Committee.
Not applicable
There are no current vacancies. To apply for future vacancies, fill out the Appointments to Boards and Committees Application Form..
Accessibility Coordinator
905-623-3379 ext. 2131
The Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001, came into force on September 30, 2002. Under the Act, Municipalities must establish or continue to have an accessibility advisory committee. The Committee advises Council on all matters related to its accessibility plan. According to the Act, the majority of the members on the committee must be people with disabilities. Before purchasing, leasing, or constructing a building or structure, Council must first ask the committee to evaluate all accessibility-related issues.
The Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee was established in March 2003, when Report CLD-11-03 was adopted.
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