Where possible, we create dedicated bike lanes as part of a bike route. Signs and associated bike lane pavement markings show that these areas are for bicycles only. Other vehicles cannot drive, park or stop in bike lanes. Public service vehicles such as garbage trucks and transit buses may temporarily stop in the bike lanes. White dashed lines at intersections inform cyclists that motorized vehicles may move into the bike lane in order to turn onto the intersecting road. Similarly, motorists should be aware that a cyclist might need to leave the bike lane to turn left at an intersection.
Photo above: Dedicated bike lanes on Mearns Avenue
Photos above: Pavement markings and dedicated bike lane signage
Where there is adequate road width, on-street parking is also accommodated. In this case, the parking area is beside the curb and the bike lane is between the parking area and the general-purpose lane.
Photos above: Dedicated bike lane signage and pavement markings with on-street parking
Cyclists who are not familiar with how to navigate bike lanes can find useful videos on the City of Ottawa website.
Clarington has launched an education campaign, including an information flyer to remind residents of the regulations surrounding bike lanes.
In some cases, where we cannot provide a dedicated bike lane, we will instead use what is known as a sharrow. Sharrows (pictured below right) are pavement markings that advise drivers and cyclists that the lane is shared between motorized vehicles and cyclists. Sharrows are typically used where a bike lane is preferred, but is not feasible due to road width or on-street parking.
Urban shoulders are a shared-use resource. In preparation of Clarington's Official Plan, we have carefully considered the placement of shared-use facilities such as dedicated bike lanes and their potential to conflict with on-street parking resources.
Remember: a road's right-of-way is a public space for all forms of movement, not only for motor vehicles but also for pedestrians, assisted-mobility-device users, cyclists, e-bike users and transit buses.
Wherever possible, the Municipality has worked to balance the needs of all potential road users to achieve the best possible benefit for Clarington residents and visitors.
Urban shoulders still allow limited on-street parking; provide traffic calming for a street as well as promoting cycling along the street.
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