The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine has created a massive humanitarian crisis. Tens of thousands of displaced Ukrainians are looking to flee their country and are in need. The federal government has created an emergency resettlement program working with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) as well as provincial and municipal governments. The UCC is the voice of Canada's Ukrainian community and has created a central website outlining the type of community help that is critically needed in the Region of Durham. The UCC offers Ukrainian newcomers to Canada resources, helping people resettle, find jobs and create community connections.
Now more than ever, your help is needed. |
Here's what you can consider giving:
Contribute Services |
The following services are needed:
If you're willing to help, visit for more information. You can also email or call 204-333-8435. |
Volunteers needed |
The UCC is looking for volunteers to assist with the committees created to provide services and assistance for Ukrainian newcomers. You can volunteer in the following areas:
Financial Assistance |
Financial assistance is critical in helping Ukrainian newcomers resettle and build a new life. UCC Durham Region, in partnership with St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church, has created the Durham Ukrainian Relief Fund. By clicking on 'Donate Now,’ you can make a tax-deductible donation to this fund. |
Learn more about the Durham Ukrainian Relief Project.
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