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Posted on Friday, July 14, 2023 09:59 AM
The Municipality of Clarington has completed a Schedule ‘B’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to investigate how the local transportation network can best serve the community as the Port Granby Project enters end-use operations. The EA was completed in accordance with the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class EA document dated October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015.
The preferred solution is to keep the transportation network in the area as it is now with some...
Posted on Wednesday, June 07, 2023 06:24 PM
The Municipality is seeking public comments on the Draft Secondary Plan for a new neighbourhood in North Newcastle.
After extensive consultation, the Municipality is ready to present and receive input on the draft North Village Secondary Plan, Urban Design and Sustainability Guidelines, and the accompanying Zoning at a Statutory Public Meeting. This Secondary Plan is a Municipality of Clarington project.
The North Village Secondary Plan will create a neighbourhood centre at the heart of the new...
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